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This year’s FBRC brought a new format to Panels. Presidents have had more time to discuss the topics proposed, making the debate even more dynamic!

You can see the overall structure of the program below:

8:30am – 9:00am Reception and Registration - Welcome Coffee
9:00am – 9:30am Opening
9:30am – 11:00am 1st Panel of Presidents/Best placed companies on the virtual ranking / Customer Service via Internet: future or present? How the #1 executives design strategies for today and for tomorrow?
11:00am – 12:30pm 2nd Panel of Presidents/Best placed companies on the general ranking / What makes your company the best on Customer Service and how to keep it at that level?
12:30pm – 01:00pm 1st Arwards
01:00pm – 02:00pm Lunch
02:00pm – 03:30pm 3rd Panel of Presidents / Best placed companies on the general ranking / What does the #1 executive has to do with Customer Service? What is the role of the top management to actually place the customer at the core of the organizational strategy and, primarily, to reverberate that strategy to the tactical and operational levels?
03:30pm – 04:00pm Coffee Break
16h00 – 16h30 2nd Awards
04:30pm - 06:00pm Keynote Speaker / Jason Ward - Azul, bringing the American standard of excellence on Customer Relations to Brazil
18:00pm Closing

Date : August 9th, 2012
Time: 8:30 às 18:00
Location: Hotel Intercontinental São Paulo – Alameda Santos, 1123 – Jardim Paulista, São Paulo/SP

Sponsors 2012:

Supporters 2012:

Executed by:


Phone: (11) 3372-4080

