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“I appreciate the opportunity to have participated in the event. I return to the company with great disposition to multiply the information absorbed.”

Renata Sampaio – Odontogroup

“IBRC team friendliness and treatment are a unique touch in this event.”

Jozeaine Novais – SulAmérica

“Perfect compliance with schedules.”

Herval da Costa Bezerra Júnior – Unimed Rio

“I want to congratulate all the IBRC staff on the brilliant event.”

Sérgio Mourthe – Gerente de Planejamento da Cemig

“I would like to thank and congratulate you for the excellent event, from reception to closure. Unquestionable organization and content!”

Leandro Gomes – Redecard

“The event was 1000%. Congratulations! We liked it a lot and were much honored to be able to participate. Congratulations for the organization and care for the subtletied!”

Nicolau Camargo – Gerente Geral de Atendimento do Magazine Luiza

“Alexandre, you as always, do a fantastic event! Congratulations! Both I and our team liked it a lot. You can always count on us.”

Luiza Helena – Presidente do Magazine Luiza

“I can say, not only by what I witnessed, but from what I’ve heard from our team that participated in the event as a whole, which, one more time, you have outdone themselves. Congratulations! It was an honor to be alongside and learn from professionals who lead service companies of excellence. For us, to be included in the Ranking is a great sign that we are on the right track.”

Randal Luiz Zanetti – Presidente da Odontoprev

“Congratulations on the event, I found it very appropriate and assertive to compose the three panels. It achieved exactly the goal. Best regards and keep on engaged in this cause of showing our country how much the companies are dedicated to provide excellent services to the citizens.”

Ana Júlia Baumel Geraldi – Coordenadora de Relacionamento com o Cliente - O Boticário

“We at Nokia appreciate the invitation, the impeccable organization and networking provided. We were happy to participate and agree with the others’ assessment: the event was extremely important for companies honored in the customer service areas, and for all participants. Best regards.”

Almir Luiz Narcizo – Presidente da Nokia

“Thank you, Alexandre and to your team for the recognition, and also for the opportunity of sharing on our company and crew! I enjoyed the event and I'm sorry I couldn’t attend the whole day. We are always available and we’ll give the recognition to our crew and customers with this award. My best regards!”

Jason Ward – VP da Azul

“It was a great pleasure to participate and learn from the biggest names in the market. No doubt each participant has given us basis and lessons to continually seek improvements. I was pleased to attend the event in the last three years and I confess that the format of this conference pleased me greatly, the panels become more dynamic and interesting. I congratulate you and the entire IBRC team for your dedication and effort for making this a unique event.”

Suzi Oliveira – NetCallCenter

“Congratulations for one more successful event! The great challenge is to hold the attention of the participants in an event of a day (morning and afternoon). And you, Alexandre, with your team have exceeded this expectation. I'm sure the participants were surprised at the quality of the Forum. To show you a little of my surprise, I was in the morning and could not return in the afternoon, but canceled an appointment and returned to the afternoon activities. Keep it up with this vibe!”

Jorge Azevedo – CB Contact Center

“As always, the FBRC event brings the very best in customer service in Brazil and you, who offers this exhibition, deserves all our affection. My best regards and go for 2013. You, as always, are a “gentleman”. Best regards!

Júlio Cezar – Ex-presidente BBMapfre.

“Alexandre, you rocked, as always. Important people, awards for few and known companies, great location, participant audience. You and the IBRC are to be congratulated. We, at Golden Cross, have only to thank your primary help in getting us there. We hope to continue part of this select group, improving our ranking. Cheers and success.”

João Regado – Presidente da Golden Cross

“Congratulations on the event and especially for conducting the panel I attended. Very good format, content and spirit. I thank you on behalf of Bradesco, for the awards granted to us. Best regards.”

Maurício Minas – Diretor Executivo do Bradesco

“Congratulations on the event and especially for conducting the panel I attended. Very good format, content and spirit. I thank you on behalf of Bradesco, for the awards granted to us. Best regards.”

Marcos Samaha – Presidente do Walmart

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