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What Is the main executive role in the “Serve well” task?

Hélio Magalhães – Citibank

Brazil is now crossing through a positive moment. It’s an evolution! And one of the “pulling up” on the quality of services of the company, is the customer. Complaints are the basic propellant to develop the process improvements and the customer got to always show up in the company strategies as like the quality, control and costs that are the variables which has an impact on the strategies that must be balanced.

German Quiroga – Nova Pontocom

The internet has changed, a lot, the way of selling, working and connecting.We’ve been through the internet wave and now, we’re at the beginning of a huge tsunami with the networks, the cheapening of technology, and the simultaneous events. That delivery much more power to each one of us and that revolutionary power lays on customer’s hands. And the companies that turns their backs on that, may never survive. We’ve got to have the right and motivated people to pay attention on customer’s needs, not only on numbers. And the call center, is one of the main sources of improvement on this process. To be better for the customer and have the right people to make that happen.

José Lima – Petrobras Distribuidora

There is no consensus among the analysts about what happened with the Brazilian society, except for one, the level of demands and charges of society: what are we not doing right? And that’s good! Everything that happens to the costumers lays down on the companies. Companies, as ours, provides opinion researches with their clients, which keep up with the social medias, the opinions, the critics, holds more heavy datas to be analyzed. Petrobras avoids to be above the clouds knowing nothing of what is going on on the ground, to don’t lose the contact and unstick from the real world.

José Efromovich - Avianca

We have had no much alternatives. If we kept on that same route, 5 years ago we wouldn’t have survived. One of the initiatives was to have our own people at the call center and we started inviting them to fly Avianca, so they could understand the process. Avianca felt benefit with the whole inclusion in the airports, because we understand that all the complaints are real. We are the whole time connected with our customers and whenever I can I answer them, I answer them personally.

Mauricio Minas – Bradesco

We have some strategies to act in an universe of 70 million customers and one of them is that the first contact must be made by people, that’s why it is irreplaceable. That is where we have an opportunity to win, to charm. From there the contact is made through the digital channels by the demanding speed. And to keep up with those technologies, we’ve created a culture of talent from those parlance, with a feedback of 5 minutes on tops. Bradesco is a bank of opened doors, and we will, at least, once in a month, like to hear the customers and staff to not unstuck from the reality. We have a huge chain of channels. At the first place, solving, that is an orientation to all of people at ours organization, no matter who it is, the responsibility comes first; second of all, discipline, to make sure that all the complaining does not comes to a second time and at third place, along with the Consumer Defense Code, we have proactive that alert us of the complaints before it gets to a legal proceedings.

André Lahóz – Revista Exame

It demands courage to make a ranking that is not only focused on what is not good in the companies, Exame Magazine and IBRC, made it up to a perfect marriage! It's in the Exame’s DNA to provide tools to the market about how the companies are going in many aspects and the Service is fundamental to any business. And the IBRC is with us on this journey. The new customer comes out from the most demanding expression and “the wise company will get along with this change”

How to place the main executive on the real world? And what are the impacts of the manifestations on the companies?

João Carlos Brega – Whirlpool

Every executive receives a percentage of the Customer’s satisfaction índex. The first understanding is “the client is always right” then we move to solve the question up. We consider the popular manifestation very important, and we believe that differentiation moving from it will make us grow up more.

Márcio Kumruian – Netshoes

Online companies does not have direct contact with the customers. That’s why, we valorize each contact we have with our customers through the call center. We’ve seen the question as something positive and it is natural that we've have complaints because people are paying more taxes. We must separate this Tsunami and separate the companies that are opened and turns to solve fast. The government will not solve the problems right away. Netshoes owns the ability of given answers quickly. Whenever it does not happens in the companies, the general feeling is of a bad service deliver.

João Paulo Ferreira – Natura

Until 4 years ago, our metrics and controls were disassociated from the customer’s experience. So, we started to mesure the satisfaction of the client, almost in real time and we got to connect the satisfaction index with ours inside indicators. We see this movement with positivity. Through our promoters we provide the social transformation then the business opportunities come along. We are a company of quality relations, we increase the customer loyalty. This new conscience comes to our point of view.

Márcio Schettini – Itaú-Unibanco

We developed the culture where the customer is always at the first place. As a financial Institution, we provide services e we rely on our staff. We have over 60 million active customers and we’ve have had to collect every day all of the issues and we’ve tried to identify and change it into projects that are directed to the zero failure. We encourage in a natural way, that the failures must be brought to the table as soon as possible., and solved in real time. We accept that the customer is our ally, and that they are part of the improvement process. When we opened the internet channel, on the social medias, we started to operate uninterruptedly. Now-a-days, if we don’t delivery what our customers are looking for, they go away and immediately look for another financial institution. We think that this advance is very positive and mature.

Jason Ward – Azul Linhas Aéreas

We are looking forward to make our executives look like sponsors. They must cross over all of the levels, such as the check-in, and share this understanding at the company. We want to treat people as they want to be treated like. We must to be the best, we must to focus on people's desires, on the people's rights.


The presentations of the Panel of Cases which is authorized by the companies and Bil Price’s presentations, Will be sent by link, only to those whose participated of the event.

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