FBRC - 9th edition 2011

Date: August 25th, 2011
Location: Hotel Intercontinental São Paulo - SP

Through rather simple strategies, but very well-thought-out, some companies reached the top making a difference. Others presented great performances within one year that they went beyond their client’s expectations, showing an enviable level of satisfaction!

This is what the Exame IBRC Ranking 2011 presented to an audience of over 350 people, eager to hear what in fact the main executives of the 25 best companies in customer service in Brazil had done for a service that stood them out in the Brazilian market.

Twenty-five presidents gathered at the Intercontinental Hotel, the stage for the FBRC, to talk about the positive and negative, simple and complex events that happened throughout the year, which put them among the top companies, in a setting of over 500 companies reviewed.

This has been the hallmark of the last three FBRC, and it has exclusively brought to the market discussions and the best practices in customer relationship in Brazil.

Always Unmissable! Always Unquestionable!

In 2011, the following presidents joined us:

Amos Genish – GVT
Artur Grynbaum – O Boticário
Cledorvino Belini - Fiat
Enéas Pestana – Pão de Açucar
Fabio Coelho – Google
Fabio Luchetti – Porto Seguro
Jerson Kelman – Light
José Galló – Lojas Renner
José Lima – Petrobrás Distribuidora
José Efromovich – Avianca
João Carlos Regado – Golden Cross
João Paulo Ferreira - Natura
Júlio Cezar Oliveira – Brasilveículos
Leocadio Antunes – Ipiranga
Luiza Helena Trajano – Magazine Luiza
Marcos Lisboa – Itaú-Unibanco
Marcílio Pousada – Livraria Saraiva
Michel Levy – Microsoft
Oscar Clarke – HP
Randal Zanetti – Odontoprev
Rino Abbondi – Coca-Cola
Salim Maroun – Outback
Sérgio Chaia – Nextel
Thomaz Menezes – Sul América


“There's been a while since I took part in an event so rich in information, and especially in real experiences of Enterprises. Congratulations!”

Horst Anton Voss - Bradesco Seguros Executive Superintendent

"I´d like to thank you for the award, and especially for the show of expertise you provided“

João Carlos Regado, President - Golden Cross

"The credibility and importance that were achieved by the ranking and the FBRC, and the opportunity to stand beside real experts on the subject have encouraged me to work even harder to be with you in 2011!“

Randal Zanetti, President – OdontoPrev

“It was a pleasure to take part in the FBRC with you, and especially to share successful stories with the members present. Congratulations on the success of the event and for the experience provided to all of us”

Mauricio Minas, Vice President – Banco Bradesco.

“Thank you and congratulations for the initiative. Actions like these that make a difference and help build a better Brazil”.

Augusto Lins, CEO - Hipercard - Grupo Itaú-Unibanco

“To define FBRC in Just one word: delightful. Everyone talks about delighting the customer, but only a few manage to do it. You did it! CONGRATULATIONS!!!”

Solange Poças, Medline Operations Director

Sponsored the FBRC in 2011:

FBRC supported in 2011:

Executed by:


Phone: (11) 3372-4080

E-mail: contato@ibrc.com.br

website: http://www.ibrc.com.br