Date: June 10th
Edição: São Paulo - SP
Location: Hotel Holiday Inn Parque Anhembi Convention Center
Starting this year, the IBRC, in partnership with Exame magazine, carried out the largest and most comprehensive study on the service provided by the companies in Brazil. This initiative produced the Exame/ IBRC National Ranking of Customer Service, which ranked the 25 best and 25 worst companies in customer service of the country, out of 100 finalists, from a total of over 500 companies.
Published as the cover story of Exame magazine, in the second half of March, the cover read: “Your company is worse than you think." An allusion to how companies overestimate the quality of their services. This edition has also been one of the best selling of the year with more than 37,000 copies at the newsstand.
At the time, we discussed "How to make your business better than you and YOUR CUSTOMER think" and presented the study thoroughly, discussing with the most important executives of the country the best practices based on scientific study.
Then, we honored the best companies in customer service with the trophy "Best in Customer Service - EXAME / IBRC 2010” and the Certificate of “Sector highlight in Customer Service - EXAME / IBRC 2010" handed to executives from clients of the winners of each sector, out of 15 sectors.
Arthur Grymbaum, presidente do Boticário,
Oscar Clark, presidente da HP
Jerson Kelman, presidente da Light
João Carlos Regado, presidente da Golden Cross,
José Efromovich, presidente da Oceanair
José Galló, presidente das Lojas Renner
Júlio Cezar Oliveira, presidente da Brasil Veículos,
Luiza Helena Trajano, presidente do Magazine Luiza
Randal Zanetti, presidente da Odontoprev,
Salim Maroun, presidente da rede de restaurantes Outback
Thomaz Menezes, Presidente da SulAmérica Seguros
Marco Simões, vice-presidente da Coca-Cola
Sérgio Buniac, vice-presidente da Motorola
Alberto Figueiredo Mathias, diretor de CRM da GVT
Francisco Calazans, superintendente Itaú-Unibanco
Ivo Luiz Vieitas Junior, diretor Executivo Hipercard
Marco Vilela, superintendente Comercial da Light
Paolo Tazzioli, diretor de atendimento da TIM
Ricardo Floresta, diretor de atendimento da Sky
There were about 300 executives from middle to upper management in the customer relationship, service, call center, marketing, HR, business, commercial sectors, among others.
And a varied schedule with the disclosure of "EXAME / IBRC Ranking, by Alexandre Diogo, a Panel of executives from clients that discussed the topic: “What are the paths and challenges for providing a great service in the various sectors?”; the thrilling lecture of Professor Clovis Barros "Ethics in customer relations" and, finally, the Panel of presidents with the topic: "the role of the top executive in service excellence."
Like the event in Sao Paulo, we opened the 8th FBRC in Rio with an exciting lecture delivered by Salim Maroun, the President of Outback Restaurant Chain, and the presentation of five cases - " Golden Connection and Golden Attitude, all delightful!" with Golden Cross Customer Service Director, Anita Assis, "The strength of Alô Bradesco in changing processes" with Luca Cavalcanti, Bradesco Dia & Noite Director, "Sustainability, a service flag!" with Cida Franco, general Manager of Customer Services and Relationship at Natura, "Using the service to take off among the leaders" Renato Pascowitch, Avianca CEO (former Oceanair) and "Distinguish yourself in a competitive marketplace" with Elizabeth Almeida, Customer Relations Manager.
As it could not be left out, Alexandre Diogo conducted the presentation of the study that gave rise to the Ranking Exame IBRC of Customer Service, and discussed the news for 2011. With the event fully booked, the 8th FBRC was also a success in Rio!